Every day, gourmet food brands face a new wave of increased pressure from consumers, digital influencers, regulators and other stakeholders to drive change. Selling gourmet food introduces a whole set of unique challenges. Successful marketing depends on understanding those challenges and building a program around the intricacies and seasonality of this highly niche space. We work with high profile names and small regional companies alike. Since our inception in 1991, we have continuously evolved to meet the demands of our clients. We understand food at a deep level, and know that building brand trust and transparency will serve to improve food PR. Our team of seasoned, passionate pros leverage decades of experience and our extensive network of food influencers to drive real change. We’re foodies. We love the finer things and our clients love us.

Napa Cookie Company
Il Fiorello Olive Oil

PRESS Restaurant - St. Helena
Some agencies focus on getting the “big” story or collecting media impressions. While we do that also, our focus is on full restaurants. Our approach to ongoing restaurant marketing and public relations is integrated, just like the rest of our activities. Our team works to develop revenue-generating promotions, to craft stories that guests want to hear and to connect with the journalists who matter. At a time when people are bombarded with marketing messages, our social media experts help restaurants find the right way to truly engage and invite discovery. We solve problems. We generate awareness. We do whatever it takes to get diners into a restaurant. On a final note, we live to eat, not eat to live. We love trying new places and seek out new opportunities to explore the creations of our favorite chefs. We bring this enthusiasm to our restaurant clients.

With today’s power of chefs-as-personalities, whether in the restaurant, on the pages of a book, or on one of the many chef-studded food shows, they need a capable publicist to put them in front of the right people and coach them through the process. So for the chef on the fence about whether (and, quite frankly, how) to use publicity more effectively, we’re here to help. At the heart of a good publicist, is a sincere passion for food, something a chef can easily understand. Your publicist should be your confidant, advisor, trusted ally and biggest fan.
We have a critical respect for the business of cooking. To be a food publicist, you have to have a real passion for food and dining and service. We love to cook, and we have, long before I got into the business. In fact, it’s what drove us to food and wine marketing in the first place. You ust have the passion to learn about everything from ingredients to technique to trends. We live to dine out, continuously read about the latest food trends, enjoy cooking, and religiously consumer food-driven content. These are attributes that help us find success conveying our love to potential guests as well as the media.”